Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Gimme that Old-time Angst

Today, as part of a class assignment, I got out a couple of journals from my undergrad days. For those of you who journal, you know how startling it can be to look back at what you wrote, to go back in time and re-live formative moments, to feel strong emotions pass through you like ghosts, not-to-be-ignored.

Before this morning, it had been awhile since I'd opened these journals, written primarily as part of my "quiet times" in undergrad, beginning my sophomore year. I tend to idolize that time in my life as the season in which I was most disciplined, most faithful to God in my personal life , and growing the most in faith. Since graduating from Wheaton, my memories of those years have haunted me, a reminder that at one time I was more disciplined, more faithful... and more in God's favor than I am now. Twisted belief, I know, but deeply rooted.

But I had forgotten how much angst filled those years. Browsing through my journals this morning, I was shocked to look at my soul and see desperate striving rather than deep confidence in God's grace. Now, I am aware that living in Grace is a fundamental struggle for me, but I had forgotten how much I was trapped in despair, striving, and guilt during those years I have idolized. I confess, I feel a bit shaken! I know I've said it before, but I am glad it is Lent - I suspect I have some idols of which to repent.

As I was reading my journals, I came across an overlooked angsty poem (not even sure it could be called a poem - maybe a poetic fragment). It's a bit rough, but I'd like to share it anyway.

Father, where is the prayer I know should be
Subsuming me, consuming me
like that old burning bush?
Is this word a prayer?
or just me, communing with my ache,
hollow poetry -- self-cannibalism,
Give me those prayer lenses and
the frame of Your Son--
The new perspective for the new creation.
God's grace -- great mystery.

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