Erik and I joined my family for a post-Christmas vacation in Arizona. Now if you're like most people, hearing "Arizona" conjures up images of cactus, desert, rattlesnakes, etc. Well, where we go in Arizona is in the mountains, with pine forest, creeks, and elk -- Christopher Creek, Arizona, to be exact. Population approximately 100. Elevation around 6000 ft.
The first full day we were at our cabin, it started snowing... and it kept snowing. And kept snowing. And two feet of snow later, we were officially snowed in! Unlike Chicago, queen of snow-plowed cities, Christopher Creek is not exactly equipped to handle massive amounts of snow. So, our plans for hiking were foiled for a few days, replaced by some sledding, raiding my grandparents' house for proper snow gear, and lots of reading by the fire.
As a result, I finished another book from my list: A Prayer for Owen Meany, by John Irving. It was an interesting book, and I'm glad I read it -- although I feel no urgent need to read it again. I ended up almost hating the title character by the time I was half-way through the book. I'm not entirely sure why it's considered a classic -- although there are definitely some unforgettable characters. I also found the running theological themes interesting... although I'm not sure Irving actually broke new ground in that area.
I ran out of reading material up at the cabin, so I mooched from Erik (read and finished Gang Leader for a Day -- very interesting read) and from the cabin stock (reread part of Wuthering Heights). Yesterday, I went to the library and got three books from the list. I'm starting with Cold Comfort Farm, and so far I'm loving it!
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