Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Asking the Wrong Question

A lot of my close female friends are single -- and many of them are not extremely happy about that fact. As we get older, we've talked a lot about how hard it is for young Christian women to find the "right" guy, and we've ranted and lamented for hours on end.

I can't count how many times I've had girl friends ask the question, "What if God makes me be single forever!!" Or, putting it in a theological framework, "What if I'm called to singleness? Oh no, what if I have the GIFT OF SINGLENESS?!!" You'll have to imagine the horror with which Christian women often ask this question...

Putting aside the theological question about whether or not singleness is a spiritual gift (I'm not convinced), I read an interesting blog posting today on one of the few über-complementarian sites I follow. The woman makes a great point: when we ask, "Does God have singleness or marriage for me?" we are most likely asking the wrong question. Rather than agonize about this aspect of our futures, perhaps it is better "to just assume that God will give me the best wherever I am."

Now that's a gift we can count on.


  1. This could very well apply in many, many situations, to many "wrong questions" we ask. Wrong questions *I* ask. Maybe not "assume" God will give me the best wherever I am," but grow into, live into that truth in whatever situation I am facing...

  2. That's a great point, Liz - I think that often the questions we - I - ask betray our lack of trust that God IS the good Father that we say/know He is.
