Monday, June 16, 2008

Learning to Float

Holy, You are still holy, even when I don't understand Your ways. Holy, You are still holy, even when my circumstances don't change. (More Rita Springer...)

Immeasurable comfort -- that the God of the universe is in control. Even in the stereotypical-but-real waves of life -- the waves that crash suddenly on your head and flood your eyes and ears and nose with acrid salt water, or drag you under and into the ocean-swirls until you have no idea which way is up or down, or hurl you out onto the burning sand as you choke on bits of seaweed -- even then, I am not out of God's reach. Even then, I am in His charge; even then I can depend upon Him for what I need. How simple the truth! How hard the reality. How impossible it seems -- to cease my frantic struggle to control the waves and learn to float on the surface of the deep, upheld by the One to whom the waters are as solid ground!

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