Monday, April 18, 2011

A Confession

I'm going to begin this Holy Week with a confession: I really, really enjoy watching TV.  Or more specifically, TV shows on Netflix and/or Hulu, without all the annoyance of commercials and with all the convenience of being able to choose what and when I want to watch.  For example, I am currently really into Doctor Who (the updated BBC version).  I like having the TV on during my day off, when I relax by messing around on my computer, or when I'm putting away the dishes, cleaning, etc.  TV is enjoyable to me -- I love a good story, and it allows me to disengage my mind (which is surprisingly helpful sometimes).

But is it really ok to enjoy watching these shows so much?  I've known Christians who feel strongly that TV is a big waste of time, that Christians would be much better off reading and not owning a TV.  There are a very limited number of things I truly enjoy right now: spending time with my husband at home, watching TV while multitasking, eating...  those are the main things I enjoy.  I do enjoy time with friends, but most often (if I'm honest) I would rather be home than out with friends.  I worry that I'm turning into a hermit...  and a lazy hermit at that!  I do enjoy reading, but not as much (right now) as watching "Doctor Who."

As I approach ordination (two weeks!), I'm wrestling with this issue more and more, and I wish that I found "nourishing" activities as enjoyable and relaxing as the combination of internet + Netflix.  So I don't know...  I don't know how to evaluate the fact that I truly enjoy watching TV shows.  I don't know how to evaluate the fact that there aren't a lot of things I truly enjoy right now -- and several of the things I truly enjoy make me feel guilty (eating being a prime example).

I'm sure it's not as simple as a matter of what's "right" and what's "wrong".  Lord, give me wisdom about how to spend my time.  Release me from false guilt and fill me with hunger for GOOD things.

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