Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The prodigal, retold

Imagine how different the story would be if the prodigal son refused to accept his father's grace...

"The Prodigal Retold"

My father
Looks at me across the table--
which groans from the weight of so much meat
and bread and cake and wine--
past the laughing faces of
the other servants, who revel
in the wonder of my return
and the impromptu feast.

His eyes are sad.
They ask why I choke down bread crusts and
sip at stale water and
pass over the richer treats.
Is my meat not good?
Is my wine not to your liking?
I offer you my bounty--
why do you not receive?
This is my body, given for you--
take and eat!

I cannot.
I must not.
It is too painful to receive that which
I do not deserve, that which
I have not earned.
So here I sit--
rejecting the feast
as I reject
my self.

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