Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Gifts vs. Roles

Check out this great article on the False Distinction Between Gifts and Roles that many people in the church buy into.* The article is from a blog sponsored by Christianity Today called "Gifted for Leadership," and this particular article is written by a graduate of TEDS, Sarah Flashing. She challenges the church, and particularly women, to think more deeply about what it means to honor God with the spiritual gifts he has placed in us. She also has a great discussion of what submission ought to look like in the church, emphasizing that submission is NOT a "giving up" (negative, shutting down one's gifts) but rather a "giving to" another person (a positive act of love, not a denial of pleasures).

Check it out!

*Forgive the preposition at the end of this sentence, but it sounded way too awkward to write "into which many people in the church buy." As far as I'm concerned, I chose the lesser of the evils!